© Nick Berry
The pages linked below will give you information about the history of St Andrew’s church, who does what at the church and how to contact us if you need to.
- The leadership team of the church and those that run the various groups
- Contact information for various people in the church and a map of how to find us!
- There has been a church in Alresford for nearly seven hundred years. Find out more here.
- The Hub is the new annexe to the church. Find out what is going on in The Hub
We are committed to safeguarding children, young people, victims/survivors of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults.
The PCCs have adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website.
Details of Parish Safeguarding Representatives can be found on the noticeboards in each church. Our Parish Safeguarding Representatives can be contacted via
Safe spaces-supporting survivors of church related abuse, email: Tel: 0300 303 1056
St Andrew’s - Not just for Sundays
Friendship Circle - 10.30 to 12.00 - 1st and 3rd Monday - Our bereavement group. We welcome anyone who is lonely and is seeking company, for a chat, coffee and cake.
Memories Group - 14.30 to 16.00 - 1st Monday - Do you have memory problems? If so , come and join us for a time of reminiscing and refreshments.
Tuesday Tots - 10.30 to 12.00 - Tuesdays in term time - Somewhere to bring your little ones to pay and somewhere to meet other parents and carers.
Knit ‘n’ Natter - 14.00 to 15.30 - Tuesday fortnightly - Bring your latest craft project or just come for a natter!
Start Up Cafe - 10.30 to 12.00 2nd and 4th Wednesday - Come and meet friend, old and new, over tea, coffee and cake, borrow a book or jigsaw and take part in the quiz!
Relax & Renew - 13.45 to 15.00 - 3rd Thursday - Learn relaxation techniques and enjoy refreshments
Ministry 4 Men - 19.30 to 21.30 - 4th Thursday - Put the world to rights over a drink at one of the pubs in our benefice!
- St Andrew’s and Tenpenny Villages Benefice Policies