© Nick Berry
Giving to St Anne & St Laurence Church Elmstead Market
There are several ways you can give:
- You can set up a regular donation by Direct Debit with the Parish Giving scheme, online or by telephoning 03330021271. The parish name is Elmstead and the necessary Parish Giving Scheme code is 080608535. This helps us to plan ahead.
- You can set up a regular monthly standing order or make a one-off gift directly to our bank account.
Name: St Anne & St Laurence Parish Church
Sort code: 20-22-67
Account number: 00789453
If you are a taxpayer, please ask for a Gift Aid form which will allow us to claim back an additional 25% of the value of your gift.
- You can give at a Sunday service, using cash or a cheque (made payable to St Anne and St Laurence Church).
If you have any questions about giving, please contact our Treasurer, Pippa Downton at